The Challenge
I challenge myself to take all of my prescriptions 100% of time.
I know this doesn't sound like a 'mental' one but I am on an anti-depressant as well, so it counts. I am horrible horrible horrible about taking meds regularly. I don't know why but I am.. And I was such a hypocrite to Matt because he too was horrible at remember to take ALLLLL his meds and I'd yell and yell at him for it.
The Plan
I have daily pill caddys for both my AM and PM meds. I will keep these filled when they run out by refilling Sunday nights.
The Challenge
I challenge myself to take a walk every day, weather permitting.
Nothing big, nothing major. 20 minutes, 45 minutes, whatever I can do. Just get out there and walk.. Not only will this be good for me, but Javion get's to ride his bike and the dog gets walked. Bubby needs an outlet for her energy and Javion absolutely loves riding his bike and spending time outside. I am teaching him and setting a good example as well.
The Plan
Integrating a walk into our usual routine, in place of TV time. Typically we get home around 5, eat supper, and watch TV until 8:30. We will from now on go on a walk after supper Monday-Friday. Weekends we will try to get our walks in more in the morning times if possible. I will track these walks using a tracker on my phone and post to the best of my ability.Dietary:
The Challenge
I challenge myself to drink half my body weight in ounces of water, on a daily basis.
So here it is.. I've gained it all back and I'm back to 255lbs, Gosh that really sucked to type. But yes, sad but true I've regressed terribly. Getting back on topic, that means I will need to drink 128 ounces of water a day, which so happens to be exactly one gallon. By doing this I hope to make less room for pop, and of course all the other health benefits of drinking water.